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Residential and Commercial Pest Control That Works

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Vogelsang Pest Management is a local family-owned and –operated business offering custom pest control programs for homes and businesses in the O’Fallon, MO area. With more than 30 years of experience, our team can accurately pinpoint the cause of your pest issues and provide solutions to keep them from invading your home. We use pet and kid-friendly products for complete peace of mind, so contact us to schedule your pest inspection today!

Main Programs
Ants & Spiders
Mosquitoes, Ticks, & Fleas

From Insects to Rodents, We Treat It All

While some insects and bugs are just creepy and a nuisance, others can cause significant damage to your home or business. Rodents are also culprits of destruction and carry harmful diseases as well. It’s critical to protect your home and family from invasive pests to keep a clean environment and minimize damage to the structure of your home.

Our Residential and Commercial Programs Treat

  • Ants
  • Bees
  • Beetles
  • Carpenter Ants
  • Crickets
  • Earwigs
  • Fleas
  • Hornets
  • Houseflies
  • Mice
  • Mosquitos
  • Moths
  • Roaches
  • Spiders
  • Termites
  • Ticks

Choose a Program That’s Right For You

Pest Control is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different pests are attracted by different things. Some insects prefer wet and damp wood. Other pests are attracted by food particles. Our job is to determine exactly what pests you have and the source attracting them while applying the right products to keep them out. We’ve designed programs to treat specific problems, so you don’t have to pay for more than you need.

Effective Solutions to Control Common Household Pests

We offer various levels of treatment based on the severity of your pest infestation and the type of insects or rodents on your property. While the problem may seem overwhelming, you’re not alone, and pest control is a service many homeowners need. These creepy crawlers are part of the environment, but we’re here to keep them out of yours. We serve homes and businesses throughout St. Charles, Lincoln, and St. Louis counties. Call our team and schedule your free inspection today.