Garage Pests
The purpose of the garage is to provide shelter for your vehicles, tools, outdoor equipment, and just about anything else that you need to be stored away. Unfortunately, a shelter for your possessions also means a shelter for pests. Because the garage is sometimes open for long periods of time, this makes access easy for insects or rodents looking for a home. Identifying these pests is the first step in keeping them out.

Silverfish are very fond of garages, although they are known to infest almost all parts of the home. They can gain entry by coming in under the door or by being brought inside via infested objects. They feed on paper, glue, clothing, and food such as flour and meat. Female silverfish can lay up to three eggs a day, so an infestation can happen quickly.

Camel crickets will often invade garages when the weather gets too dry and hot for them. They are also able to easily navigate environments by jumping and can damage fabrics, regardless of how high they are stored.

House spiders feed on insects and have difficulty surviving in homes with effective pest control. Because of this, they may move into the garage to survive, feed, spin webs, and lay eggs.

Sowbugs, sometimes known colloquially as roly polies, are land-dwelling crustaceans that live all over the world. Because they lack a way to keep moisture inside their bodies, sowbugs are confined to areas of high moisture during the day. They can be found around the exterior of buildings and will occasionally enter structures. If a homeowner finds sowbugs inside their home, there is most likely a large population right outside the home.

Flies are attracted to human homes by air flow and odor. Often, they enter structures through an open door or window. House flies can be found resting on a variety of objects, such as walls, floors, and almost any other object kept in the garage.
Ground Beetles

Ground beetles are often found on the ground, typically hiding underneath rocks during the day. They often enter structures by crawling under doors or even sometimes by flying through a window.