The Top 5 Need to Knows of Silverfish

1. There is a reason they are hard to catch!
It is not their silver color that gives the illusion of their speed. Silverfish are very agile and are known to outrun even the speedy centipede. They are completely wingless, which means they rely on their legs alone to help them escape from predators. They also lack venom or fangs to help ward off predators, and so it is through evasion alone that they stay alive. The quickness and wiggling movement is what earned them their name in the first place.
2. You will only see them at night!
That’s right. Silverfish are entirely nocturnal insects who sleep the day away in small cracks or holes within your home. They are known for their compound eyes which make them very sensitive to light. To assist their sensitive eyes, they use their two very long antennae as sensors to guide them through the world. If you are searching for the source of silverfish in your home, look in the darker areas of your home first during the night when they come out to hunt for food.
3. They prefer sugars and starches.
Unlike other insects, silverfish prefer to snack on starches, carbohydrates, and proteins. They often find these sources from items within your home such as clothing fabrics like linen and cotton, bookbinding glue, and the paste from wallpaper. These may seem strange, but before you blame the moths for holes in your favorite sweaters consider looking for signs of silverfish. They will also feast on items from your pantry, so make sure to keep all food items sealed and stored somewhere secure. Food items they will gravitate towards include: starches such as bread, oats, and cereals as well as sugar and flour.
4. Silverfish live long lives.
In comparison to many insects, the lifespan of the silverfish is extremely long. The average lifespan of a silverfish is anywhere between three to six years. They reach adulthood anywhere between three months to three years and can begin reproducing once they have hit their maturity.
When they reproduce, their mating cycle must complete a three-phase cycle. Once that cycle has completed and they have mated, a female can lay up to one hundred eggs at a time. That is a lot of silverfish entering your home at once should they mate within your home without you knowing. The eggs are very small and can take anywhere between two weeks and two months to hatch.
5. If not removed, they can do great damage to your home.
They have a few natural predators such as spiders, earwigs, and centipedes. Beyond that, it is up to you to discard the silverfish from your home. Fear not. There are several steps you can take to remove these pests promptly. The first being diatomaceous powder being sprinkled around the baseboards of your home. This powder will kill any silverfish that stumble upon it as it causes them to lose all moisture in their bodies. You also can set up traps that are available and attract the silverfish greatly. Once they have been trapped they will consume the boric acid which will poison them and end your silverfish problem once and for all.