Where do pests go during winter?

The sun is setting earlier and the temperatures are dropping. This can only mean one thing. Winter is coming! We all know that when winter comes a lot of changes in our environment, especially the pests that keep us busy during warmer weather. So where do all those pests go during the winter? The answer varies, but they may not be as far away as you would imagine.
Adult spiders are capable of surviving the winters by seeking shelter indoors or in dry, warm areas outdoors. This means that your shed, crawlspace, wood pile, and basement are all the ideal vacation home for any spider trying to avoid the elements. While some spiders will remain dormant during this season, others will remain active once safe inside your home. Pesticides and removing any webs from your home are the two most effective ways of getting rid of spiders and keeping your family safe.
The cockroach has a reputation for adapting and surviving the most intense conditions possible. But how can it survive a Midwest winter? The cockroach can generally survive the winter so long as they have access to warm, moist habitats. That habitat is often the bathroom and kitchen of your home. So long as they have access to a food supply and are out of the harsh winter winds then they will thrive in any room of your home.
It is unlikely that you will find any ants wandering your home this winter. To survive, most ant species burrow deep underground for warmth. They store all of their food in their underground tunnels and when that runs out they can survive weeks without eating. While these pests will not likely be in your home, they will remain in your yard either beneath your lawn or under your rock landscaping.
As many of us spend less time outdoors during the wintry months, we tend not to think of encountering ticks. However, that does not mean that they are not around. Some species of ticks will remain active during this time so long as they continuously are feasting on their bloody meals. The freezing temperatures will kill off other species if they do not go into hiding and remain dormant throughout the winter. The number and type of ticks that could be awaiting you outdoors depends on the climate and region of where you live.
Unlike arachnids or insects, mice are warm-blooded mammals who can easily survive the winter. The only hardship that winter provides these scurrying pests is that snow and ice often cover or kill previously abundant sources of food for the mice. They then are forced to seek out food in other warm and dry areas. The prime real estate for these mice then becomes your home, more specifically your kitchen. Stay vigilant this winter for signs of unwanted “snackers” such as feces, holes in your walls or baseboards, and chewed open or missing food containers.