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Few things can ruin a beautiful summer day, like the incessant buzzing of flies. They seem to appear out of nowhere, turning a peaceful afternoon into an irritating one. While their presence might seem like a minor inconvenience, there are several reasons why flies are universally regarded as one of the most annoying insects in the world.


They Buzz Around People

The combination of body heat, sweat, and exhaled carbon dioxide creates an irresistible invitation for flies to buzz around people’s heads and faces, which is incredibly distracting. Their constant buzzing can disrupt your concentration and affect your mood. For food businesses, this noise can deter customers and impact your bottom line.


They are a Health Hazard

Flies landing on food is more than annoying; they’re a health hazard. House flies are believed to be carriers of at least 65 different diseases. They carry bacteria and pathogens, which can lead to foodborne illnesses like food poisoning and dysentery. This can result in health code violations and damage a restaurant’s reputation in commercial settings.


They Multiply Quickly

Flies reproduce rapidly, quickly turning a small problem into a large infestation. They lay eggs in decaying organic matter, so any overlooked garbage or food waste can become a breeding ground. Flies can lay up to 500 eggs in their short lifespan (generally 15 to 30 days), leading to exponential growth if not addressed promptly.


Tips to Control Flies

Luckily, there are several effective ways to minimize the fly population in and around your home or business. Here’s a handy checklist to help you keep these pests at bay:

  • Keep Food Covered: Cover dishes and promptly store leftovers. Use mesh food covers when dining outside.
  • Clean Up Immediately: Wipe down counters, tables, and any surfaces where food has been prepared or consumed. Keep kitchen areas clean and free of crumbs.
  • Seal Trash Bins: Use tight lids on garbage bins and empty them regularly.
  • Use Screens: Install or repair window and door screens to prevent flies from entering your home or business.
  • Set Traps: Utilize fly traps in areas with high fly activity.
  • Use Fans: Flies struggle to navigate in windy conditions, so placing fans in outdoor dining areas can help keep them at bay.
  • Maintain Yard Cleanliness: Remove pet waste, standing water, and decaying organic matter from your yard.
  • Use Natural Repellents: Place basil, lavender, and mint plants around your home to deter flies.
  • Commit to proper drain maintenance: Since many flies are known to breed in drains,  a bioremediation service can help eliminate and prevent these pests.
  • Call in the Experts: Sometimes, professional help is the best solution. Consider professional pest control for targeted fly treatments.

Vogelsang Pest Management offers various pest control services for homeowners and businesses throughout St. Charles, Lincoln, and St. Louis counties in Missouri. Contact us today to schedule an inspection!

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