Christmas trees are a longstanding tradition to mark the beginning of the Christmas season. As beautiful as they are, real Christmas trees can…
Voles may look small, cute, and harmless, but can be very destructive. Voles are different from moles and mice, although they are often confused…
Fall is here! While it’s fun to put out spooky decorations, such as fake spiders, rats, bats, and snakes, it’s not as fun to see these creatures…
We’ve all had these tiny insects on our kitchen counters or floors at one time or another. Although there are several hundred species of ants that…
Summer brings many fun things like swimming and barbecues. Unfortunately, summer also brings mosquitoes. These pests not only cause red, itchy bumps…
The purpose of the garage is to provide shelter for your vehicles, tools, outdoor equipment, and just about anything else that you need to be stored…
Missouri is a state full of many different types of animals. One of those animals is the snake. Now that spring has arrived, snakes are able to come…
Springtime brings warmer weather, flowers, and unfortunately, stinging insects. Don’t let pests ruin your fun! Learn how to identify the most…
The sun is setting earlier and the temperatures are dropping. This can only mean one thing. Winter is coming! We all know that when winter comes…
Your yard is torn us, your garden is in ruins, and your landscaping is demolished. You can’t seem to catch the critter that did all of this…