The house mouse (Mus musculus) is one of the most troublesome and economically important rodents in the United States. House mice live and…
Spiders are as familiar and well known to most people as they are disliked. The unpopular reputation of spiders is undeserved. Myths about…
Sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes are not actually insects, but are arthropods related to insects. They are not harmful to food, clothes,…
Mice can only be baited with cheese.
This is the age-old stereotype that we all grew up with and yet it is not the most effective! Mice are…
A full-grown silverfish or firebrat is about a ¼-½ inch long. Both insects lack wings and have carrot-shaped bodies, thick…
Are crickets keeping you up at night? Learn the facts about these household invaders!
Crickets are a group of insects related to grasshoppers and…
Summer pests are often the first thing on people’s minds when they think of issues they experience year-round. But do not think that all pests…
Many people think they will never encounter mice in their own homes, and yet families across the country are living with rodents every day.…
Many yards suffer from damage due to one of these creatures, but which one is in your yard? They are often mistaken to be the same animal which…
Honeybees are in danger and need our help. Keep in mind, these are not the bees you should fear being stung by. They are the ones that help make…